MS United Methodist Women

We are women of purpose, vision, faith and mission. Through our work and financial support, we make a positive difference for many individuals in our hometowns and communities all around the globe.

We invite you to explore how you can share your gifts, compassion, interests and abilities with those in need through membership in the United Methodist Women of Mississippi.

The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God, experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, develop a creative and supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of The United Methodist Church.

United Methodist Women connect and gather at the local, district or conference level to learn, grow and do mission. Mission and mission education may focus on local, district, conference, national or world concerns, and primarily center around issues related to women and children.

Please visit the Mississippi United Methodist Women website to discover what we are doing throughout the conference and the world to make a difference for the kingdom.  Feel free to look at the General Church's United Methodist Women's website as well.

320 Briarwood Drive
Jackson, MS 39206
or use our contact form
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The Mississippi Annual Conference—empowered by love, generosity, justice and apprenticeship—forms spiritual leaders, faith communities and connections so more disciples of Jesus Christ transform the world.