Youth Service Fund (YSF)

Youth Service Fund (YSF) is unique to The United Methodist Church. Money from this fund is raised by youth and given to youth to be used to help other youth. Each year, 70 percent of the money raised stays in our conference.  Most of that money is given away to youth groups who request help with their mission projects for the year. The other 30 percent is given to the United Methodist Division on Ministries with Young People which gives grants internationally to help youth.

YSF is much more than just a drive for funds. It is one way United Methodist youth respond to God’s command that we be good stewards of all with which God has gifted us. In addition to good stewardship, it is a way to engage in the mission of the Church, being in ministry to a broken world as we strive to live as disciples of Jesus Christ who are working to transform the world around us. You can contribute individually or through your church or district. Some youth groups tithe (10 percent) to YSF when they are fundraising for other causes, e.g. for a mission trip.

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Jackson, MS 39206
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The Mississippi Annual Conference—empowered by love, generosity, justice and apprenticeship—forms spiritual leaders, faith communities and connections so more disciples of Jesus Christ transform the world.